Monday, January 30, 2012

Starting Over, sort of...

What a year 2011 was - things seem to have mellowed a bit.

Blogging, I discovered, takes plenty of time, just as most of the projects I take on.  I am not sure this will continue much into the future, but I've found facebook lacking in many ways.  Attempting to jump-start this blog, posts will likely be short.

I'll devote the rest of the space to the upcoming project of preparing for, and assembling the greenhouse kit we bought in December.  The kit arrived a couple of weeks ago and the crates rest safely in a shed.  Now we have to be patient.  Spring must arrive and take a solid foothold before we can break ground for the foundation.

The expectation is mid-to-late March should bring enough milder weather to allow the work to begin.  In the meantime the gardner/greenhouse manager will be working on the tasks surrounding the grow operation.

The next post about the greenhouse will probably be in March.  I'll be pondering other rambling thoughts on a less-than-regular schedule, but I think there will be more, since once I start pondering, the urge to share the ramble is strong.

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